Y strainer factory and suppliers | SNODE

Y strainer

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

Y strainer Components: 1.Body and Bonnet: Ductile iron GGG-50 2.Screen:Stainless steel 3.Cover:Ductile iron Product Description: Y-type strainer transmission medium pipe system is indispensable to a filter device, Y strainer is usually installed in the valve, pressure relief valve, water valve or other device inlet end, used to remove impurities in the medium to protect the valves and equipment normal use. Y-type strainer has advanced structure, small resistance, sewage and convenient. Y-...

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    Y strainer
    1.Body agus Boineid: Ductile-iarainn GGG 50
    2.Screen: stainless stàilinn
    3.Cover: Ductile iarainn
    Product Description:
    Y-seòrsa strainer sgaoilidh tro mheadhan na pìoba siostam riatanach gu Criathrag uidheam, Y strainer Mar as trice tha an stàladh ann an bhalbhaichean, Brùthadh faochadh nam bhalbhaichean, uisge-bhalbh no inneal eile caolas ceann, a chleachdadh gus a thoirt air falbh truailleadh anns a 'mheadhan a dhìon bhalbh agus uidheam àbhaisteach cleachdadh. Y-seòrsa strainer Tha adhartach structar, beag aghaidh, òtrachas agus goireasach. Y-seòrsa strainer tro mheadhan tha freagarrach airson uisge, ola, gas. San fharsaingeachd tro lìonra uisge airson an 18-30 mogaill, mogaill fionnarachadh de 10 gu 100 mogaill, tro na h-ola lìonra de 100 gu 480 mogaill.
    Y 1 Y 2

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